Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Vegan Fondue Night (and Sticky Tempeh Bites)

So, we are headed home soon, and it's been difficult to keep up the Mofo mojo while travelling, so all I can say is that I intend to do better once we are back on English soil. I am keeping up on Instagram if you follow us there. Swapping today's prompt for the 9th, because we'll be in midair: a retro recipe. And this is less a recipe than an idea for a meal, vegan fondue night!

We have a proper fondue pot, which was a gift, and some fondue plates I found at a thrift store. I like to start with a plain old nutritional yeast sauce (usually one of Isa's), but you could also make a more traditional fondue sauce with garlic, white wine and your favourite vegan cheese - I think Daiya would work best. But what to dip? Besides bread, because duh. 

Cooked veggies:
Carrots (I really like a roll cut for this)
Sugar Snap Peas
Other root veggies like Sweet Potato, or even Swede and Celeriac - just don't overcook them to mush. 
Roasted onions - keep the root base in tact on your sections so they won't fall apart. 

Raw Veggies:
Tomatoes, little ones

Some selective fruit, like crisp apples.
Some pickled things, like gherkins.

And, my must-have, Sticky Tempeh Bites
A block of Tempeh, cut into bite size chunks
Equal volumes of BBQ sauce and hot water from the kettle (eyeball it; you want enough for a marinade, but not so much that it's drowning - I say the bites should be about halfway submerged). If you have access to a Californian hot sauce called Pepper Plant, you should definitely add some to the sauce. 
Marinate for a while, an hour is fine.
Bake at about 180C (350F), WITH the marinade, flipping a few times. 
Once the tempeh is browned and sticky, it's done! Yum. 

See you when we're back home!


  1. I just found your blog through MoFo and I love your photos! Tempeh sounds great for fondue. I haven't decided on a retro recipe yet, and now I want to do fondue too (though I don't have any cashews (my fave for fondue) or cheese or nutritional yeast ... may have to go with chocolate fondue!).
    Hope you have a good trip. :)

  2. Oh, chocolate fondue - do it so I can live vicariously through you! Thanks so much for your comment. :)

  3. I love the sound of your sticky tempeh, I will be tryng them soon!

  4. oh my gosh, I was wondering if anyone would make fondue for retro day, and yours is the first I've seen. I've had fondue on the mind lately (why???), so this just sounds absolutely amazing -- especially your sticky tempehs. Swoon!
