Saturday, 26 September 2015

Scenes From Our Table (Mofo edition)

Little bit of a photo digest post, and again, we're still only on iPhone around here until I get my computer running. So, some piccies?

Breakfast this morning, waffles! For the 'snowed in' prompt. They always feel like a treat to me. 

Snacks. Plants. Table linens. 

I can't remember what this was, but I think she liked it?!

Made my spelt-citrus doughnuts a little less healthy with a lemon glaze, for my WWMD post on Instagram: What Would Martha Do? I love Martha Stewart, and she should totally go vegan. Imagine the food. 

Bad photo, but I had to brag: my toddler was STUFFING HER FACE with this lacto-fermented daikon, alongside her udon and tofu. Dying of pride.

This kid, right here. 

Her breakfast, on a pretty average day. Homemade bread, peanut butter, peach. 

Breakfast, on a less average day. Buckwheat pancakes, figs. 

I like setting the table. I like this early autumn light. 

And I like hearing from you! I haven't been able to keep up as much as I'd hoped, but I will be reading more mofo posts this week. Almost finished, guys!

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