Saturday, 5 September 2015

Summer Porridge Parfait

Still enjoying our last blast of summer here in California, so I thought I would share one of our quick, simple, warm weather breakfast go-tos. There's nothing to it!

Uncooked quick oats
Non-dairy yogurt, coconut or soy (as plain as possible!)
A little brown rice syrup
Seeds, nuts and fruit (chia, sunflower, almonds, walnuts, pecans - any kind of berry works really well, or chunks or pear)

I like to layer it up like a parfait. Sometimes I add a drizzle of Udo's oil.  Breakfast is served in under a minute, and it's always a hit! Enjoy the warm weather while you can folks! 


  1. I don't know why I don't make breakfast parfaits more often, you make it sound so easy! So delicious :D

    1. Right? Just an assembly job, for when we need breakfast NOW. :)
