Tuesday, 15 September 2015

A Layette, Take Two

Interrupting your regularly scheduled mofo for a wee update: 

You know how when they tell you the sex of your baby at an ultrasound, they say quite breezily, dismissively even, that they are 99.99% sure? Well, we are the 0.01. At 19 weeks we had a scan, hoping to find out before our trip, and were told in no uncertain terms, 'GIRL'. Having a girl already, luckily we didn't go nuts on baby stuff, but we did get a few things, including some really cute matching pajamas for 'the girls'. Then we got back, and had our anomaly scan at 23 weeks, and were told in no uncertain terms, 'BOY'! And this time it was pretty, erm, obvious. The place that got it wrong was suitably apologetic and threw in a 4D scan for us, and confirmed what we had already seen. So, it's a boy! And we're super-duper sure now. Like, 99.99%.

I'm still trying not to go too crazy, but was excited about how cute some of these boys clothes are. Eep! When F saw those bear leggings, she went 'Oh my goodness!! Little bears!!! Kiss the bears!', and proceeded to kiss all the little bears. She agrees, they are 'very, very, really cute.' Let's just hope she likes the baby that much!

So all systems go, baby brother. Game on. 

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