Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Mom's Killer Oatmeal

Well, hello Vegan Month of Food! Today's prompt was simply... breakfast! As I've mentioned, we're away visiting my family, so this is my Mom's oatmeal as made by my Mom - thanks Mom! If you're new here, I'm a Californian mom of one, with another on the way, living in London, visiting California. So we're phone blogging this week.

We love oatmeal, porridge, in our house, and my hippie version usually includes a finishing drizzle of Udo's oil, brown rice syrup, chia seeds, and other health-food-store stuff. But the inspiration is this, plain porridge with cinnamon and vanilla, sweetened with green apple and a little brown sugar. It's almost too simple to post as a recipe, but here is a rough guideline:

2 cups of rolled oats
4 cups of water
1 green apple, grated
A dash of cinnamon (about a teaspoon)
A splash of vanilla extract (a teaspoon or two)

Cook for about 10 minutes, then to serve you can top with the following:

Almond milk
Brown sugar
Slivered almonds or other nuts
A little vegan margarine

Makes about 4 servings. That's the babe's bowl at the top, mine below. A pregnant lady could even have some toast on the side - I know I'm greedy, but I don't always have access to Earth Balance! My kid loves it, obviously - she always loves porridge. 

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