Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Soup Weather: Clearspring Miso Ramen

Hey, it's the autumnal equinox! Let's do something pagan about it! Or, you know, we could just have soup. As I mentioned, the babe is starting nursery two days a week, both for her and for me in anticipation of baby brother's arrival. It's going amazingly well; she LOVES it, and I get a couple days a week to nest and look after myself for this final trimester. AND I get to eat what I want for lunch, with no consideration of toddler pickiness (although, I actually think she'd like this - next time I'll share). I picked up this Clearspring Miso Ramen knowing that I like the brand, and hoping for something quick, yummy and wholesome. 

It's ramen, right? So, it reminds me of the the unhealthy stuff I lived on in college, only soooo much better. The noodles aren't fried, and the broth paste is ginger miso, not too salty - just right. Doctor it up with leftovers and greens, and you have a perfect, fast, healthy, midweek lunch.

This is with leftover tofu and carrot, and some fresh curly kale. 

Other toppings and add-ins that would be good (leftovers being a massive bonus):

Sweet potato
Spring onion
Bean Sprouts 
Fermented radishes or daikon
Any other greens
Adzuki Beans
Green Beans

I could go on forever! So well done, Clearspring. I like-i'-a-lo'. 

*This isn't a sponsored post, by the way. Just random enthusiasm. 

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