Monday, 16 February 2015

Eats and Sleeps

Peppermint tea. Finally ok to have, as I'm trying to wean. It can reduce milk supply, so should be avoided by new moms.

Chickpea "tuna salad" on seaweed sourdough, with sprouts and avocado. I think the little miss is coming out of her picky phase a bit, fingers crossed.
Co-sleeping is the best. Co-sleeping is the worst.


A snack while me and my man both worked at the kitchen table, me on coursework, him on work-work. Too. Much. Technology.

Part of my grand weaning plan: hot, frothy (soy) milk. She loves it! And I think she enjoys having it from a mug like a grown-up. She calls it tea.

Her "tea".

And another boobless nap. Just gotta keep going. Getting her down for a nap used to be one of my easiest tasks.

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