Thursday, 31 March 2016

Leftover Love: Curry Ramen

I am pretty much living on noodle soups these days, they are my absolute favourite thing right now for a weekday lunch. Fast and healthy, and cozy, and yum. I like to throw them together with whatever I have on hand, leftover or fresh, so here's an idea to use up some leftover veggies!

The night before we had a brown rice noodle stir-fry with mushrooms, onions and tofu (which was "'licious", according to F), with some steamed broccoli and carrots on the side. F went to town on the noodles and carrots, but not so much the mushrooms and broccoli. So, I had lots of those, some carrots, and no noodles. Reheated on its own, a nuked bowl of mushy veggies seemed rather depressing. Soup!

You'll need:
A good portion of leftover veggies, and in this case tofu as well.
A block of ramen noodles (I like these spelt one, a block is quarter of this pack).
400 mls vegetable stock 
1 Tablespoon Thai red curry paste.
Half a small packet or can of coconut milk.
Fresh coriander (cilantro) - I think Thai basil would be awesome as well, if you have it.

Just cook the noodles in the vegetable stock according to the packet instructions, and add the rest of the ingredients at the last minute to warm through (you don't want them mushy). Garnish with coriander, Bob's your uncle.

These spelt noodles cook really quickly, perfect for an easy lunch. For the leftovers, cooked vegetables, beans, seitan - all will work. If you're adding something fresh, like some kale or something, just add it a little earlier.

I keep these mini-tins (165ml) of coconut milk on hand. For one person, I use half the can, for two, a whole one. I can use the rest of it for another soup, to enrich a sauce this evening, or in a smoothie tomorrow. Yes, I'm already planning the leftovers of my leftovers.

Red curry paste. Easy to find these days. This packet came from Ocado, and it isn't so huge that you can't get through it all.

10 minutes "work". 

Get. In. My. Face.

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