More pictures of our table. Now, it's finally light in the evenings, hurray! I love living in a place with seasons, but by the time spring really kicks into gear, man, am I ready for it.

We got her some little cutlery. Look at the little deer!

Setting up for brunch with friends.

Strawberries, to have with brunch.

A rare treat for me: real coffee.

That lovely new plant is living on the table for now.

A side of greens, because always. To go with our...

... random dinner of scrambled tofu burritos (tortillas in the basket) and roasted cauliflower.
French Toast. Does anybody else always think those two words (well, three words really, but I'll keep it PG) in Leslie Mann's voice, from 40 Year Old Virgin? FRENCH TOAST.

Little hands and those hotcakes.

And finding these little things EVERYWHERE. I find it amusing until I step on one.
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